The Research Tax Credits Your Biotech Company is Missing Out On In 2023


As a biotech company, you understand the importance of research and development. But did you know that there are tax credits available to assist you in defraying the costs of your R&D? Unfortunately, many biotech companies are missing out on these valuable credits because they are unaware of their existence or do not understand how to use them.

Biotech CPA specializes in assisting biotech companies in navigating the complexities of tax compliance and uncovering hidden value in their operations. In this blog post, we’ll look at the research tax credits that your biotech company might be missing out on and show you how to maximize their value. Let’s get started!

Understanding Tax Compliance in the Biotech Industry

The biotech industry is an exciting and rapidly changing industry that necessitates a thorough understanding of tax compliance regulations. Biotech firms frequently engage in research and development activities, which can present unique tax challenges such as R&D tax credits and revenue recognition. Furthermore, international tax considerations can complicate tax compliance for businesses with operations abroad.

Tax compliance in the biotech industry can be a complicated process, and failure to do so correctly can result in significant financial penalties. This is why biotech firms must work with an accounting firm that specializes in tax compliance for the industry. We have a team of experts at our firm who are up to date on the most recent tax regulations and have the necessary expertise to provide tailored solutions for biotech companies.

Biotech companies can reduce their tax liabilities and take advantage of tax breaks by working with a specialized accounting firm, resulting in increased profitability. We understand the unique challenges that the Biotech Industry faces and are committed to providing advanced and unusual tax compliance solutions to help businesses thrive.

Overview of Research Tax Credits

Research and development are critical to the success of biotech companies. These companies spend a lot of money on R&D to create new products and technologies that will help them stay competitive in their industry. These activities, however, can be costly, which is why research tax credits are so important.

The federal research and development (R&D) credit and state R&D credits are the two main types of research tax credits available.

  1. The federal R&D credit is a general business tax credit available to companies in the United States that engage in qualified R&D activities. The credit is calculated as a percentage of qualified R&D expenses for the company and can be used to offset both regular income tax liability and alternative minimum tax liability.
  2. State R&D credits differ by state but generally provide benefits similar to the federal credit. These credits are intended to encourage companies to invest in R&D activities in their state by offsetting the costs associated with these activities.

Biotech companies frequently invest heavily in R&D activities to develop new products and technologies. Research tax credits can assist these businesses in offsetting some of the costs associated with these activities, allowing them to remain competitive in their industry.

Research tax credits can help biotech companies stay competitive by lowering the costs associated with R&D activities and allowing them to invest more resources in developing new products and technologies.

Common Misconceptions About Research Tax Credits

One common misunderstanding is that research tax credits are only available to large corporations. In reality, research tax credits are available to businesses of all sizes, including startups and small businesses.

Another common misunderstanding is that research tax credits are only available to businesses that conduct scientific research. While scientific research is one type of R&D activity that can qualify for the credit, many other types of activities can as well.

These misconceptions are false because research tax credits are intended to be available to a wide range of businesses and activities. For example, the federal R&D credit is available to any company that conducts qualified R&D activities in the United States, regardless of size or industry. State R&D credits, meanwhile, vary by state but are generally available to businesses of all sizes and industries.

Furthermore, the definition of R&D activities is quite broad, including activities such as developing new products or processes, improving existing products or processes, and developing new software or technology.

Choosing the Right Specialized CPA Firm for Biotech Tax Compliance

To begin, businesses should determine which R&D activities are eligible for the tax credit. To begin, biotech companies should determine which R&D activities are eligible for the tax credit and ensure that these activities are properly documented. This documentation should include detailed records of the time and resources spent on each activity, as well as any related expenses.

Biotech companies should also consult with a tax professional who is familiar with research tax credits to ensure that they are utilizing all available credits. Furthermore, there are various types of research tax credits available at both the federal and state levels. The eligibility requirements, credit amounts, and other factors for these credits can vary.

Taking advantage of research tax credits can provide numerous benefits for biotech companies, including lower tax liability and more resources to invest in new products and technologies. Research tax credits can assist biotech companies in remaining competitive by allowing them to invest more resources in R&D activities. This can assist biotech firms in developing new products and technologies that will allow them to stay ahead of their competitors.

Finally, research tax credits can be an important source of cash flow for biotech companies. Biotech companies may be able to claim these credits even if they have no taxable income for the year in some cases.


To fully benefit from research tax credits, businesses should consult with a tax professional who is familiar with these credits and ensure that their R&D activities are properly documented.

Finally, it’s worth noting that research tax credits are available at both the federal and state levels. Companies should be aware of these credits as well as their eligibility requirements in order to fully benefit from them.

If you’d like to learn more about how research tax credits can help your company, we invite you to book a free consultation with one of our experts today.

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